
Here is where you will find my various publications available for download.

The first publication – Robbie – A Thinking SQUID’s Legacy – is a FREE download, and always will be. A manager many years ago christened me L’il SQUID (short version of the story is that it was because I had my tentacles into just about everything that was going on as far as collaborative projects were concerned), and the name’s stuck ever since – as has my passion for collaborative Project-Based Learning and collaborative assessment.

The book brings together a series of conversations (briefings) I’ve had with learners about to engage with collaborative/capstone projects, to prepare them for the challenges of the journey that lies ahead. The briefings cover a wide range of topics that are as much about the personal aspects of the journey as they are about the technical ones. If what I’ve learned over 20+ years’ involvement with collaborative projects – and the collaborative assessment that goes with them – makes one person’s journey easier and learning deeper, that’s a good outcome. Of course, if it happens for more than one person, that’s an even better outcome. Whether you’re a learner or a learning facilitator engaged in collaborative learning and collaborative assessment, there’s something valuable here for you.

As a bonus, I’ve included some of my photographic work (my Number One relaxation hobby) to help illustrate many of the briefings.
